Momentum Mentorship 3.0
Where Entrepreneurs Gather To Learn, Grow And Practice The Arts Of Leadership And Action.
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There is a strategy. And then there is Who We Are Being which empowers us to implement the strategy.
My gift is to coach you to shift who you are being so that you be your highest self

Meet Richard Brooke: Coach. Podcaster. Author.
I chose unwittingly one of the hardest professions in the world in which to become successful.
It was not easy to transform this introverted, angry, anti social chicken chopper into a global sales leader, Inc 5000 business owner, speaker and author. I learned from my coaches that strategy is easy, but transforming who we are being to execute the strategy is not easy for the simple reason that it is you trying to change you.
Coaching is the only means of reinvented oneself. Coaching is how one expands one's confort zone, adventuring into the unknown. A coach is merely a guide, someone that sees further than we may see ourselves and leads us on the great adventure of transformation.
What I stand for
Fun. “If it ain’t fun,
it don’t get done”
At least it does not scale.
Authenticity. An honest
expression of human values. No Bots allowed.
Integrity. Alignment between
who you say you are and what you do. No BS allowed.
The Platinum Rule. Treat people
the way they want to be treated.
The Future. Leaving our
planet better off than I found it.
Meritocracy. “Sink or
Swim Baby”
Grace, Gratitude, and
Generosity. “To which much is given, much is expected.”
The Conundrum of Self Motivation is that one must get self motivated to get self motivated. It is not a process that starts itself
- Richard Bliss Brooke -