Bryan & Fiona Marsh - Juice Plus+

Bryan & Fiona Marsh - Juice Plus+

Find out how stay-at-home mom Fiona Marsh and her husband, Bryan, built the fastest-growing franchise in their company’s history ... in just four years!
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Although stay-at-home mom Fiona Marsh loved being home with her kids, she was searching for a way to feel valued outside of motherhood. She considered returning to teaching, but she couldn’t face putting her kids in full-time daycare. Fiona wanted MORE opportunities for her family to be together, not less. That’s when she and her husband, Bryan, discovered Juice Plus+. Their friend owned a successful franchise and explained that if they followed the clear and simple business plan, they too could be successful.
It didn’t take long for their dream to come true. Bryan and Fiona built the fastest-growing franchise in Australian Juice Plus+ history, and four years in, they have a customer group of 6,000 and 1,600 people building with them! Best of all, their Network Marketing career allows them to be at home together and have precious time with their kids. Find out how they did it!