Personal Development Blog

My blogs are candid conversations… thought-provoking, free of BS, sometimes hard to hear, but always inspiring.

Dig in. 

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Dropping Truth Bombs Along Your Personal Development Path

Personal transformation isn’t a one-time lightning-bolt moment or a “top 10 tips” list to race through.
It’s a lifelong journey filled with joy, pain, successes, and failures. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Absolutely. And if a bad-attitude high schooler turned cynical chicken chopper can transform his life by committing to personal development, just imagine what it can do for you. Look around, and see where you want to grow …

Bill’s Law and Other Habits of a Winning Team

Bill’s Law and Other Habits of a Winning Team

I have made it a habit in my career of inviting the most successful people I encountered to spend a meal or coffee, etc., with me so I could learn their secrets of success. I learned this habit fro...
Who Are We? Prove It

Who Are We? Prove It

How to Use National and Local Disasters to Rally Your Corporate Community and Show Them Who You Really Are.
The End of Social Selling Anything
artificial intelligence

The End of Social Selling Anything

One of the benefits of being in business for 50-plus years is that you get to see the cycles. And the odd thing about cycles is that few seem to see them starting or ending…. not even the smartest ...
Listening to be Present

Listening to be Present

If you want friendship, listen. If you want respect, listen. If you want the business, listen. If you want love, listen! Be the Present others are dying for.  
Inflation...Friend or Foe...How do you know?

Inflation...Friend or Foe...How do you know?

Invest. Look at professional influences to wages. Reduce spending. Review expenses. Earn more with a side business.
Use Your "RAS" Wisely … Or It Will Use You

Use Your "RAS" Wisely … Or It Will Use You

Is the filter in your brain working for you or against you? Learn why your RAS could be the secret to manifesting everything you want in life.
The Hottest Investment of the Year

The Hottest Investment of the Year

You ARE worth it. Your body. Your mind. Your soul. Your goals. Your vision. Your skills. Your mojo. Your passion.
Miracle in the Sanoviv Desert

Miracle in the Sanoviv Desert

What are you thankful for this year? I am thankful that Kimmy and I have our health. Thankful that we have the wealth to be able to come to a place like Sanoviv for two weeks. Thankful for the deci...
The Hypocrisy Hierarchy

The Hypocrisy Hierarchy

All people at the top of their game. All highly influential. Role models. Life Changers. Decision Makers. Leaders.
Discipline is Dead: Accelerating the Momentum of Success

Discipline is Dead: Accelerating the Momentum of Success

Focus on what you are doing, why you are doing it, what great pleasure it brings you, and how it honors you and your family. Create a mini-movie of it with your favorite inspirational music. Watch ...
What Values are Important to You as a Customer?

What Values are Important to You as a Customer?

What comes first? Number them in order of importance to you and then I will tell you mine.   There are no wrong answers. They are your values. You are the customer. Product Quality/Performance ...
Where Would We Be Without Our Mothers?

Where Would We Be Without Our Mothers?

A deeply personal and moving tribute to all the moms. Warning: you may need a tissue (or 10) for this one.
Crushing a Career in Real Estate

Crushing a Career in Real Estate

Who do you know in Real Estate that you would like to “serve?" Real estate is never going away … it is never going out of style or out of demand. It will never be rendered irrelevant. It is a fabu...
How & Why to Hire a Coach

How & Why to Hire a Coach

"Put me in, coach!" If you want a quantum leap in your results (and income), you need a coach. But where do you start? Right here with these tips ...
Manage Your Mood Rings

Manage Your Mood Rings

Are you a victim of your own moods? Learn how to quit the blame & complain game and create a powerful new mindset, where WINNING is inevitable.
Going the Extra Mile with Proof

Going the Extra Mile with Proof

If you had asked me last year about my activity level and my fitness, I would have told you I am very active. I swim, golf, hike, play pickleball, and work out at the gym. But if my most recent exp...
Richard Brooke Blog

Mind Matters

Dive into the world-record-breaking journey of rower Lia Ditton, and discover the 1 SIMPLE KEY that can lead you to break records of your own.
Richard Bliss Brooke Blog

Lessons from My Mother

Message from a loving son. Mom was a powerful force: someone to be loved, revered, feared & despised, often all at once. Here’s what she taught me ...
Richard Bliss Brooke Blog

Adapt, Improvise, Overcome

Some of us lived through the fear and chaos of World War II. Some of us the anger of the Vietnam War. Then came the gas wars, 20% mortgage rate inflation, dot com bubble, Y2K (all things we know co...
The Elements of Greatness

The Elements of Greatness

Greatness is in all of us. Yes, it sounds like a slogan on a coffee mug, but it’s 100% true. Read on for the secrets to let YOUR greatness shine ...
Transformers On The Loose!

Transformers On The Loose!

What happened when I spent the weekend with 200 courageous souls who wanted to reinvent themselves? You don't want to miss this ...
Declare Your Intentions

Declare Your Intentions

Do you want to be among the 99% or the 1%? Find out how to create a habit of ACTION versus idle BS and chatter. (It’s easier than you think!)

The Truth About Believing

Wishes and goals pale in comparison to Vision. So how do you learn to believe and ATTRACT what you want? The answer’s so simple, it may just surprise you ...
Unlock Your Spiritual Power

Unlock Your Spiritual Power

When’s the last time you had FUN? This state-of-being is sadly underrated. But the truth is, FUN could be the key to total transformation in your life.
MLM Fly free Richard Brooke

Belief: Your Greatest Secret to Knocking It Out of the Park

The power of your subconscious mind is infinite & extraordinary. Learn how to program yours to achieve whatever you imagine. (Yes, it really works!)
kimmy and richard brooke image 1
Category_Personal Development

Be Generous and Look for the Gold

Written for Networking Times® - Our Times "What you give out, you will get back tenfold."