Corporate Culture & Strategy Coaching

Where exactly are you going and why? What are the reasons others should follow you? Is your team performing at its highest level? This is what you can expect to gain when you engage with me … a Vision and a voice for the future.

4 Reasons You Need Corporate Coaching

Unlock Self-Motivation in Your Team

Improve Your Leadership Abilities

Grow Your Company Ethically

Identify Your Blind Spots & Barriers

Where Do You Want to Take Your Company?

You, your team, and your strategies are the best investment you will ever make. You can realize 100% to 1000% returns. What is it worth to you to create growth? What is it worth to you to create harmony, focus, and a culture of responsibility & creativity for your team? What is it worth to you to become a better leader?

If you find yourself in a plateau (results-wise and personally), if your team has low morale, or you simply need a compass to reach your next set of goals, my corporate coaching is your secret sauce for success.    

What Your Company Will Gain from Corporate Coaching?

Even the smallest changes in your company’s direction can lead to dramatically better results. Those changes can be in your processes and communication, but mostly in your people – yourself included.  It’s easy for company owners to get “lost in the soup.” As a corporate coach who specializes in transformational change (and can walk the talk as a 30+ year CEO of a global company), I’ll shine a light in the dark places, leading to:  

  • A team that collaborates at the hightest level
  • A roadmap for ethical and honorable growth
  • Freedom from self-imposed limitations and beliefs
  • Priorities for trackable growth programs

Why Choose Me as Your Corporate Coach?

The coaching field is saturated with well-intentioned people who talk about change, fire us up all rah-rah
style, and throw advice like darts, hoping something sticks. But when coaching is taught versus created in others, what happens? Nothing. (The insanity of hiring “experts” only to discover the team can’t implement the changes!)

My personal coaching specialty is different: it’s ontological, meaning it’s focused on the “state of being.” This is how self-motivation starts flowing and the daily actions become fun. (And how I built a team of 30,000 in under six years.) I’ll ask the questions that need to be asked. If you allow it, I’ll rock the boat, tossing out deadweight practices and building true leaders.

And What About YOU Personally?

As the CEO, every piece of yourself ripples throughout your organization, relationships, health, wealth, attitude, integrity, confidence, peace of mind, and joy.

Because my personal coaching specialty is ontological in nature, I’ll work with you to shift your state of being. A frustrated CEO does not make good decisions, nor does an unhappy one.

I’ll be your ally to review ideas, big decisions, trends, and metrics, including your own fears and frustrations. I’ll help you change more this year than you have your whole life.

What Executives Are Saying

Grow In An Ethically Responsible Way

"He is forthright with both leaders and company executives about what is needed to grow business in an ethically responsible way. He understands both sides of the equation for both the company and distributors."

Roger Barnett
Owner of Shaklee, Pleasanton, CA

It's Exactly What I Needed

"Proven results; smartest decision in 35-year career. Richard's no BS, straight down the line approach is exactly what I needed. He genuinely cares for your whole life and the impact your business has on that."

– Celine Egan
President of Juice Plus Australia & New Zealand, Merewether, NSW

Profound and Lasting Impact

"He sees through the clutter and noise asking the questions and unveiling the unique qualities of the business. His executive coaching has made a profound and lasting impact on all of us."

– Landen Fredricks
Chief Global Sales Officer & President of Mannatech North America, Flower Mound, TX

Profound Insight

"He is able to see the total picture, drawing from diverse experience spanning decades in our profession. In this business, a moment’s insight from an experienced consultant can save a company countless hours of misery and untold sums of money."

– Kevin Thompson
#1 Corporate MLM Lawyer at Thompson Burton PLLC, Franklin, TN

Amazing Return

"His unique combination of epic field success, long term company ownership, DSA leadership and a coach to CEO’s and top sales leaders make his coaching priceless. The investment paid far greater dividends than a generic canned keynote from one of the top names."

– Kody Bateman
Founder and CVO of, Salt Lake City, UT


How Much is Unclear Strategy Costing You?

How many potential customers can’t hear your offer? How many of your events are half empty because your team didn't have a clear plan? A lack of direction may already be costing you a great deal. My proven strategies can help.