Richard Bliss Brooke Blog

The History of The Four Year Career®

Network Marketing may offer the most dynamic environment for us to develop our spirituality while managing our humanity at the same time. It may just be the most exciting leadership and character development program you have ever imagined. Are you up for that?

A Dynamic Environment

Today, people are longing for a return to a real, safe, relaxed time of freedom and soulful connection with others. People want to play together, pray together, get to really know each other, and most importantly, be known by others.

We want to improve ourselves, to have more pride in ourselves, and to love and respect ourselves. We are hungry for guidance and support that will help us grow to be more powerful, more generous, and more self-assured.

Anyone who has come full circle can tell you that these are the things that bring true happiness. Achieving financial success and status is wonderful, especially if the alternative is being financially strapped to a life of despair.

I think we’d all be better off rich, but money is relative—the more you have, the more you think you need. Or, as it’s been said:


This return to basic human values in business is a subtle, yet powerful, force driving the Network Marketing industry. These are the qualities that will endear you to your family and to the community you create:

Patience, Generosity, Open-mindedness, Cooperation Honesty, Integrity, Authenticity, Courage Forthrightness, Leadership, Love, Listening

Network Marketing may offer the most dynamic environment for us to develop our spirituality while managing our humanity at the same time. It may just be the most exciting leadership and character development program you have ever imagined. Are you up for that?

An Exit Strategy

This excerpt is from The Four Year Career®. The initial idea behind The Four Year Career® was all about a different exit strategy from college.

I created the idea in 1979 as part of a recruiting campaign targeted at Drake University Marketing majors. I interviewed 30 of them. I asked them questions like how many hours a week they spent as a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior actually studying and learning. I asked them how much they expected to earn their fifth year and how much someone invested to set them up for that income.

I wondered what life choices these students would make had they not 'had to' go to work for the first decent job offered. I wondered where they would have chosen to live, who they would have fallen in love with, what people they would have met and become friends with, the places they would go, and the things they would see. I wondered what kind of life they could have created for themselves if they had graduated with the Freedom to explore, learn more, and make different choices.

I likened it to me choosing the chicken plant vs the world as my playground. I offered them each an opportunity for the opportunity to choose. They all chose the traditional path. I wonder where they are and what their lives look like today. And I wonder what they could have been.

Do you?

Hot off the press, the 12th Edition of The Four Year Career® is here. Always a reader favorite, this new edition includes the success stories of 11 top leaders in 10 different companies who built their Network Marketing businesses ethically, in companies of the same manner.

Grab your copy today: The work is worth it,


P.S. My blogs are, for me, a conversation. I rant for a bit and then … if so inspired, you respond. Your comments close the loop of conversation. They let me know I was heard. They let me know I contributed something … or not. I encourage you to close the loop … or open a new one and say something.

1 comment

Kyle Wick

Kyle Wick

Hi Richard, you are an inspiration to me! I am still trying to make a big success of this network marketing and be completely authentic about it. Recently I tried going online and doing TIKTOK, Facebook, etc. But I always come back to you and the 4-year career and your secret formula 123 2plus2 $10,000 $2,000,000 700 $2857.14. Will the Secret formula still work with all this online stuff? DO i need to go online or can I still build traditionally? Thank you for all you do!

Hi Richard, you are an inspiration to me! I am still trying to make a big success of this network marketing and be completely authentic about it. Recently I tried going online and doing TIKTOK, Facebook, etc. But I always come back to you and the 4-year career and your secret formula 123 2plus2 $10,000 $2,000,000 700 $2857.14. Will the Secret formula still work with all this online stuff? DO i need to go online or can I still build traditionally? Thank you for all you do!

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