Authentic Marketer Blog
My blogs are a candid conversation … thought-provoking, free of BS, sometimes hard to hear, but always inspiring. Dig in.
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Dropping Truth Bombs Along Your Network Marketing Path
Personal transformation isn’t a one-time lightning-bolt moment or a “top 10 tips” list to race through. It’s a journey – a lifelong one, filled with joy, pain, successes, and failures. Is it easy? No. Is it worth it? Absolutely. And if a bad-attitude high schooler turned cynical chicken chopper can transform his life by committing to personal development, just imagine what it can do for you. Take a look around, and see where you want to grow …
Is the End of Social Selling Near?
This may be a premature question. Or perhaps not. Social media has been a thing…a big thing for now. Here is a brief history organized by Chat GPC
The history of social media can be traced back to ...