Listening Quiz

Listening Quiz

Listening Quiz

Listening is the key to good communication. Take this quiz to find out if you are a good listener.

Give an honest yes or no answer to each of the following questions. Answer “Yes” if the statement is true at least 30% of the time.
1. You find yourself wanting someone speaking to you to “get to the point” faster.
Yes No
2. You interrupt others to “tell them what they eventually were going to tell you,” as though you had guessed the ending of their story or the punch line of their joke.
Yes No
3. You usually make sure others know that you “already knew” what they told you.
Yes No
4. You respond to a story with one of your own that is just a little better.
Yes No
5. You find your mind wandering a lot when others are speaking to you.
Yes No
6. You usually forget others names after first being introduced.
Yes No
7. You find yourself formulating your response to others before they are finished speaking.
Yes No
8. You wish others would spend less time talking about themselves and more time asking you about you.
Yes No
9. You usually allow people to completely finish what they are saying before responding.
Yes No
10. You usually let people tell you what they have to tell you and then you ask clarifying questions to learn more.
Yes No
11. You usually find your mind quiet and focused while someone is telling you a story or an opinion.
Yes No
12. You usually find yourself very interested in what others have to say.
Yes No
13. You find yourself hoping to be surprised by the ending of others conversation and wait patiently for those you're speaking with to get to it.
Yes No
14. You generally find others more interesting than you find yourself.
Yes No
15. You generally find that others love talking to you and spend extra time doing so.
Yes No
16. You find that you are just about as interested in listening to someone you do not know well or care that much about, as you are in someone you do know and care about.
Yes No
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