Mach2 Vision Training

Mach2 Vision Training

Sale price$197.00

Reality Check: We all desire the quick fix, but change is a process. It's WORK. The only thing you really need is the resolve to do it and the right GUIDANCE. Make it happen with Richard’s Mach2 Vision Training.



4 Reasons You Need This Training

Learn to Review Your Script

Understand Your Natural Gifts

Uncover the "Authentic You"

Cultivate Your New Vision

Make This YOUR Year for Total Transformation

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Mach2 Vision Training

You'll Discover How To:

✔️ Unleash the powers of Self-Motivation to move naturally and effortlessly toward your goals

✔️ Identify who you are at the core: your authentic values, gifts, strengths and life purpose

✔️ Create a new Vision (mindset) that’s habitual and powerfully imprinted

✔️ Flex your imagination muscle to program your spirit for success

✔️ Fall in love with the daily zone you need to be in

Module 1: Self Motivation

• Falling in love with the process
• Difference between desire & self-motivation
• Importance of FUN in your spiritual awakening
• 5 energies of Self-Motivation … and how to unleash them powerfully in your life

Module 2: The Power of Vision

• Reviewing the script … how did you get to where you are?
• How to replace your OLD Vision with an empowering NEW one
• The role of belief in knocking your goals out of the park
• How to hit the “imagination gym” to manifest your Vision

Module 3: Authenticity, Gifts & Purpose

• Uncover who the “Authentic You” really is
• Your theme song and natural gifts – what are they?
• Are you operating with Red Lights, Yellow Lights or Green Lights?
• How to craft a new Vision that’s habitual and life changing

Free Bonus

External vs. Internal Motivations
Authentic Values vs. Imposed Values
Your Natural Gifts Exercise
Your Theme Song or Life Purpose Exercise
Crafting Your Vision

Hear What Customers Have to Say ...

Excellent Return

"Our team got a tremendous amount from this training series. For the absorption of the content delivered in the videos, we broke it up over an afternoon. We gave them all the opportunity to go away and do the exercises, and come back to watch the next module."

Andrew & Tamlyn Samuel
Arbonne, Berwick, Australia

Paradigm Changing

"I realized this paradigm that not only had I constructed, but also had picked up from my family, that was really holding me back. Now I have the tools, the power, and the ability to deconstruct that story and to construct a story that motivates me. I'm on my way to new heights and success in my business"

– Leslie Burris
Young Living, Tampa, FL

Clarity & Certainty

"This course gave me more certainty and clarity in my business. It taught me to respect and fall in love with the process. Many times I was scared to write a vision because I just felt it had to be perfect. But with Richard's course it taught me step by step how to set up my vision, how to create it, and to keep it up."

– Rav Malik
Unicity, Richmond Hill, ON

Excitement & Anticipation

"I realized that when I felt good about something, I knew it was going
to turn out well. Looking at pictures of people talking, smiling, visualizing them looking forward to hearing about my business, generating excitement and

– Sean Graham
SendOutCards, Kennesaw, GA


"Richard's very gifted at not beating around the bush and taking us to the core of our visions through an angle that answers a lot of questions as to why we're stuck and the importance of changing up the stories that we have been telling ourselves for years, in business and other areas of our lives."

– Ruth Bell
Shaklee, Peoria, IL

Results & Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 28 reviews
Carol Froehlich Hull
Love Mach 2 nd the first training Zoom meeting.

Gained a lot of incite with the call and I keep the book by my bed. Helping me stay focused on what matters most, it’s me and the self talk that goes on.

Linda Allen
Love it!

I'l been working on my old messages for lots of years with some success, but always fell back in the yellow light and sometimes red, sabatoge, light. The soy sauce displacement example has finally given me a way to really get them out of my life instead of having them lingering in the background. I really feel excited about moving forward!

Ruth Bell
New Mach2 Vision Training

Richard Bliss Brooke is very gifted in not beating around the bush and taking us to the core of our visions through an angle that answers a lot of questions as to why we are stuck and the importance of changing up the stories that we have been teling ourselves for years, in business and other areas of our lives. We have recommended the book over and over this week and are reviewing this training a lot.

Richard Hoyt
This is a great read

Now it's time for action and application the next time and then repeat

Jerry Meeks
It’s great but I didn’t review it enough

It’s great but I didn’t review it enough times. I need to go back. Love Richard’s work

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