The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo
The Young Living Duo

The Young Living Duo

Sale price$17.95

Available at $8.97 each when purchasing 100+!

The Young Living Duo features The Four Year Career® and The Four Year Career® for Women Young Living Editions, you get the best of both worlds.

Quantity Price
1 – 24 $17.95
25 – 99 $13.46
100 – + $8.98

Prospecting & Recruiting Made Easy

Recruit Without Selling

Overcome Objections

Close Prospects with Ease

30 Minute Read

Proven Generic Recruiting & Belief-Building Tool

Have you ever gotten any of these reactions from friends, family or prospects when you've invited them to just take a look?

Umm, isn't that like a pyramid scheme or something?
I had a friend who did that. They didn't make any money.
Ugh. I don't want to sell anything.

What if ... one powerful little book could take those objections and turn the skeptics into believers?

The Four Year Career® by Richard Bliss Brooke is known throughout the Network Marketing community as the best "first look" for prospects ... especially to build the belief of the skeptics. This compelling, generic, non-company specific, easy-to-read book is the single best recruiting tool you can use to open the door and invite prospects to just take a look.

It paints a clear and vivid picture of why and how Network Marketing will align with each person’s unique vision – including your own!

The Four Year Career® 12th Edition - ALL NEW!

You'll Discover How To:

Recruit Without Selling Instead of you having to explain Network Marketing and residual income, the book does it for you.

Overcome Objections – Tackles the top myths of Network Marketing, even the "pyramid” one so that even your biggest skeptics will be open.

Close Prospects with Ease – Helps lead prospects to answer the important question ... Is this for me? And naturally opens them to “just take a look” at your opportunity.

3 Reasons Why You’ll Love This The Four Year Career® Young Living Edition:

#1. It Creates a Different Kind of Prospect

When a prospect reads The Four Year Career® … even just scans it … they will listen to a presentation with a level of respect and openness rarely experienced without the book.

#2. It Makes Prospecting Easier

Asking prospects to read a “1-hour book” is easier than asking them to listen to a presentation. People know a video is a sales pitch and they listen with that bias. People hold books as truth and education, and they read them with a neutral bias. Knowing that, it shifts your state of being when talking to a prospect ... you are more confident and powerful. Sell the read vs. your program, and dramatically increase your enrollments.

#3. It Helps You Recruit “Recruiters” Onto Your Team

Recruiting “recruiters” is where exponential growth comes from. If you make the book a part of your culture by having prospects and new distributors onboard with it, you up the number of leaders you attract who also see themselves as recruiters.

Connect Powerfully with Women ... and Get the Yes!

The Four Year Career® for Women is for any woman adventurous enough to open it up and begin the journey to a richer, more fulfilling, more purpose-driven life.

Written by Kimmy Brooke, who went from struggling single mom to building a team of 20,000 (on her lunch break!), this is the exciting new FOR WOMEN version of The Four Year Career® by Richard Bliss Brooke, Kimmy's partner in love and business.

Filled with inspiration, stories and "from one woman to another" moments, give this book to all the women in your life and open their hearts and minds to this incredible business model called Network Marketing.

Their personal journey will lead them to answer one pivotal question: Is this for me?

The Four Year Career® for Women 5th Edition

Grow Your Business With The Four Year Career® for Women

Quick, fun read allows women to answer questions and explore their lives in a personal, journaling type way.

Helps women understand how Network Marketing works ... and why they were born to excel at it!

Highlights the sisterhood and bond of women in the profession.

Features the inspiring success stories of women who have rocked Network Marketing ... includes tips on how you can too.

This Book Is Perfect For:


Are you solid in your belief and understanding of the Network Marketing opportunity? If you have any doubts, this is the book for you.


The people you are introducing to your Network Marketing opportunity need this. The credibility this piece delivers to your presentation is key to unlocking their YES.

Not Right Now-ers.

For the people who said no or not right now, this is a compelling piece to follow up with them 6 months down the line as a second look. It may be what they need to tip the scale.

What could be possible for YOU if you said yes?

Are you interested in building a career in Network Marketing and need a little inspiration? Watch how these Young Living Leaders describe their journey in this profession and how The Four Year Career® has helped them.

Success Stories from REAL Young Living Leaders

Extreme Growth

Since January 2013, Heather and Wade have grown their organization to well over 8,000 members with a six figure monthly volume.

Heather & Wade Doll

Natural Development

After using and loving the products, the business naturally followed. Jamie and Chelsea now have a team of over 10,000 members that grows by 500 members per month.

Jamie & Chelsea Flaman

Thriving Organization

With no college degree and no previous sales experience, Alyssa took her passion for oils and turned it into a thriving organization of more than 90,000 members and growing!

Alyssa Francis

Retirement at 22

By treating his business like a business, Adam was able to “retire” from personal training at age 22. Now, seven years later, Adam’s team has more than 50,000 members and exceeds $2,500,000 in sales monthly.

Adam Green

Peak EntreprenOILer

As a passionate EntreprenOILer, Connie’s team consists of some of Young Living’s best-trained distributors. They produce over $70 million in volume annually and welcome 4,000+ new team members each month.

Connie Marie McDanel

Real Life Success Stories of These Heart-Driven Leaders

“Having a business that challenges you to become the best version of yourself is incredible.”

– Yvonne Litza

Passionate Life

“I wanted to live a life that had me beaming with ideas, plans, and events. A PASSIONATE life!”

– Bethany Shipley

Be More

“I’m on a mission to serve women and to empower them to be more than they think they are.”

– Andrea Lahman

Finding That Something

“I was so eager to do SOMETHING, but after a series of seemingly failed careers, I was so lost in WHAT that was.”

– Jilene Hay

Opportunities Abound

“The beauty of this business is that you aren’t just connecting people with great products, you’re offering them an outside-of-the-box opportunity for freedom.”

– Kara Cozier

Results & Reviews

Customer Reviews

Based on 9 reviews
Steve Szabo - Kailua, HI / Customer since 2014

Both of these books - The Four Year Career, Young Living Edition and The Four Year Career For Women, Young Living Edition are invaluable to our team! When they give them out to prospects, prospects read them, enjoy them and become informed about how the opportunity works. That’s priceless.

Lisa Jadis
The Dynamic Duo

Both The Four Year Career and The Four Year Career for Women explain the Network Marketing Profession in a non-hype easy to understand way. I’ve read each version multiple times and the main difference between them is the style in which the information is presented. These books contain information and real stories making them BOTH a must have tool for anyone wanting to understand or build a Network Marketing business.

Gail Goddard

The Young Living Duo

Trisha Steffen
Simple mapped out tool for duplication

As a silver who built initially out of pure passion, Excitement, and love for the products; this is the next step I needed to help teach my team to also have success and give me a plan to reach more people leading with the opportunity! The books are easy to read and simple samples that make taking action the next logical step and not such a leap. Thank you for an invaluable tool to help expand my teaching and duplication.

Kelli Johnson
GREAT books to share with potential business builders!

Love the books! :)

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